Amy C Nicholls
3 min readOct 12, 2021


Have to share:

So, I do nude modeling as a creative expression with other artists (models, painters, photographers). I do this because the body is my canvas and exploring body photography helps me visualize my art on others (think of it from another perspective).

I also do this to cure my own body image issues.

All my career, I’ve waited for someone to bite my art and try to say it’s theirs. Just thought it would happen with my tattoo work, given I have almost 5,000 followers on IG in this area, even more clients, and have been tattooing for 13 years.

Nope… happened with my naked ass online. No big deal… I reported the IG page and because I have such a community, got tipped off fast that someone was trying to sell sexting services, using my image.

I’m part flattered and disappointed. I had/have no illusions about the power of sex, how it sells, etc… But I do hate that the image of me is being used to scam others, when they can see most of me on my page and can purchase uncensored photos from my photographer friends.

Just shows how lonely some feel. Bothers me that some need to “sext” at all; That part of their fetish is about the disconnect. I wish we all could be more open and transparent (when in the face of a potential partner) about what tantalized us in the bedroom. Moreover, I don’t model nude for these reasons at all. The most naked are the least sexy.

I made a post on my site, telling my following of the fake site. I also reported the fraud. I don’t really care beyond that.

I did ask how much the subscription was: 28$ for 3 months. Good to know my market research up front in case life ever gets desperate.

I’m grateful for my community and for the skills that I have that allow me to function above this basic survival level. I’m not against sex work. I support all hustles if it’s honest. I believe this is an ace card I can pull at anytime actually.

Glad that I’m a person that is committed to doing all I can to raise myself above the primal function of my body. It’s cool and I should have figured it would be the first thing to be ripped. Just hoped my art would shine more. #goals

With my podcast (The Apprenticeship Disries) and other speaking engagements, perhaps I can raise this nude expression above the crude thing most would deduce it to… either way, still having fun; That’s truly the point.

What people do to me means more about them then it does about me… Although, I do see the brand dilemma and hope that it can all fuse into one cohesive work one day. 🙏 I might have to die first, but before I do, I will get the word out about this PR snafu.

Thanks for reading.

Amy C Nicholls

The real @beyondthepaletattoo on IG



Amy C Nicholls

Professionally, I am a tattoo artist and have been since 2009. Personally, I’ve fixated on the arts my whole life. Excited to see what I can do in literary.